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Softball Game
Home VS Sanborn T-Ball-5:30pm 3rd-5th-6:30pm
Library- Story Time
Story Time -10:00-10:45 am Location- Primghar Public Library Theme - "COLORS"
Library- Surprise Day
Surprise Day 9-12:00pm
Baseball Game
Baseball game @ Sutherland T-ball- 5:30pm 2nd-3rd-6:30pm 4-6th-7:30pm
Garbage Pick Up
Library-Craft Week #1
Craft Week #1 Fun sheets for Candy 1pm-5:30pm For Information call 712-957-8981
Softball Game
Home VS Sutherland T-Ball ONLY -5:30pm **Practice for the 3rd-5th at 6:30pm in Primghar**
Library-Come and Go Crafts
Come and Go Crafts Theme - BADGES open 9-12:00pm / 1-5:30pm
Baseball Game
Home Vs Hartley T-ball-5:30pm 2nd-3rd-6:30pm 4-6th-7:30pm
Library-Activity Day
Activity Day "Hike the Trail" Meet at Sneakers Run @ 7pm library open from 1-6pm
Softball Practice
PRACTICE T-Ball-4:30pm 3rd-5th-5:45pm
Baseball Game
Baseball game @ Hospers T-Ball-5:30pm 2nd-3rd-6:30pm 4-6th-7:30pm